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- There is a timing problem between Anne 2 and Anne 3. If you notice the date on the newspaper that Anne reads to her class after the play in Anne 2, is November 26, 1902 and Anne and Gil were engaged the following summer (1903). However, in Anne 3, Anne and Gil say, in 1915, that they have been engaged for 5 years. What happened to the other 7 years? [Contributed by Megan, USA]
- In the scene when Diana, Anne, Fred, and the children are sitting on the patio, there is a teddy bear lying down in between Fred and his daughter. The camera swings around and then the teddy bear sits up! [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- In the same scene, the kids are sent to bed and little Fred leaves a tower of plastic squares on the arm rest where Anne is sitting. She knocks them over and 'kind' of ignores it, though the squares are now 'kind of' in her lap! [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- In the scene (on the path) when Gilbert talks to Anne about going to New York, he says, "And we'll go immediately," and drops his hand -- OOPS -- onto her chest. Haha. He looks like he doesn't know what to do with his hand now.
- When Anne arrives at Winfield Publishign for her interview, you see lots of people behind the reception desk, in the office. When the camera swings around (supposedly same minute/second), most of the people are gone and the desks are empty. [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- When Jack climbs down the drainpipe, his tie on his robe gets caught on it. [contributed by Ashley, IA, USA]
- Jack critiques Anne's work in the same way (though not the same manner) that Gil did in Anne of Avonlea, yet in Anne 3, Gil insists that, "No one can tell [Anne] how to write." Was it not his very own criticism that helped Anne became successful as a writer in the first place? [contributed by Wendy, USA]
- Is Gil reading Anne's manuscript during his lunchbreak? Either way, Anne is standing next to the bench WAITING for him to finish. What kind of speed reader is Gilbert now?!?!? [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- when Anne types up the title page to her book (after Jack apparently took credit for it), the spacing between the title and her name changes as she sets the page down. [contributed by Emily, USA]
- When Gil and Anne return to PEI from New York, Anne waves at Diana by lifting her supposedly filled and therefore heavy suitcase into the air quite easily. Hmm.... not too authentic. [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- When Josie sees Anne and Gil for the first time, and they're talking about the wedding, she says, "I hear Diana Barry's hosting a reception." Shouldn't it be Diana Wright? After all, she and Fred have been married for over six years. [contributed by Wendy, USA]
- Anne, Diana, and Gil are in the Wright house talking about wedding arrangements when Fred walks in, quite somber. Diana is going on and on about fancy things and you can tell, if you listen (and watch!), that the actors were probably laughing before the scene was shot and are trying not to burst out laughing again during the take. When Anne says, "We were thinking, a simple ceremony on the lawn," if you listen, Jonathan Crombie starts coughing and Megan Follows starts laughing right in the middle of the word "simple." They had to do that line twice! [contributed by Claire, Canada]
- At the wedding, during Anne and Gil's first dance, you see Diana touching her mouth with her hand in a sentimental pose. Then a split second later, she stands there with a blank look on her face, hands down. [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- Two years after Gil leaves for Europe, Anne is tutoring a girl who calls her "Miss Shirley," even though Anne has been married for two years. [contributed by Emily, USA]
- When Anne leaves the church after hearing the names of those missing in action, she slams the door shut and we hear it close, but in fact, the door does not fully close. [contributed by Ashley, IA, USA]
- Oh, dear! I speak German and the "German" the German soldiers speak in the background (on the train before Anne and Jack escape to the trenches) doesn't make sense at all. [Contributed the by Eva, UK]
- In the scenes after Anne, Jack, Collete, and Dominic are in the trench, Anne knows the name of the baby when one of the nurses askes, but before Jack left and Collete died, neither of them volunteered that information. [Contributed by Lauren and Carmen, Ontario, Canada]
- The first time we see Gil on the war-front, there is a nurse tending to a very bloody patient. Um, what exactly is she accomplishing with that cotton ball?
- In the scene after Anne leaves Dominic with the Neufchateau priest, Anne asks a nurse about Gilbert. The nurse tries to put down a white cloth, but it keeps sticking to her hand until it finally falls down on the floor instead! [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- In New York, when Jack visits Anne, he sits down at the desk. Anne has put a wedding picture of her and Gilbert over the picture of Jack and Collete, and we see Jack from the front, the picture of Anne and Gil is still on the frame. However, when, a split-second later, we see the frame from behind Jack, the picture of Anne and Gil has fallen off to the side.
- Just before Fergus Keegan comes to talk to Anne, Mrs. Dodd invites Anne, Fred and Domanic for breakfeast as they walk down the stairs. Anne says, "I'll just grab Dominic a coat." Why didn't she bring one to begin with if they were heading outside? Or, are we to believe that he needs one to eat breakfast? [contributed by Samantha, CA, USA]
- When Anne is talking with Maud in Jack's apartment and Fred shows up, we watch Anne move Dominic from her right hip to her left hip. And, just incase you missed it, you get to see it from behind again, a split second later. [Contributed by Petrina]
- At the station, when Anne receives the travelling details from Maud, Maud turns around and runs into a bench! [Contributed by Eva, UK]
- If you notice that when Anne gets to France, they show the date as September, 1918. The war ended in November of that year, so those diamonds she smuggled would of had no effect whatsoever on the war effort! There would of been not enough time for her to go to London, get a job, and go back to get Gil. Also, just the mention of the Lusitania and the arrival of US troops was over a year late!! [contributed by Eric, Delaware, USA]
- When Anne is running on her way to Kit's chateau, she falls numerous times. In my opinion, Dominic would have been screaming, but we barely hear him cry until right before she gets on the wagon. [contributed by Brenda, Philadelphia, PA, USA]
- In the scene where Anne and Jack are talking on the train, after they found Gil and before Jack gets shot, Jack is smoking a cigarette. He tosses it to the ground, tries to stomp it out, and proceeds to talk to Anne. Jack crosses the foot he used to stomp it out on top of his other knee. But watch that foot: the cigarette got stuck to the bottom of his shoe and is still smoking! Watch Jack and you can see him looking at the shoe and wondering what he should do. You even see him try to shake it off (that would be smart!). Eventually he casually puts his foot down again and subtly twists it to stomp the cigarette out for good. [contributed by Kimberly, AZ, USA]
- On the train, when Jack gets shot, Gil leaves him and says he's going for help. He's a doctor! Why wouldn't he have sent Anne to get help? [contributed by Emily, USA]
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