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Script: Part 5
ANNE: I’ll verify that this is the place. FRED: You go ahead, Anne. We’ll be fine. MR. DODD: No, we’ve not seen hide nor hair of that Garrison chap for months. He requested that we leave everything as is. I had my concerns, at one point, he was a spy. ANNE: He said everything was paid for. MRS. DODD: Well, yes, to the letter. Always six months in advance. And we do like those American greenbacks. Are you a relative, dear? ANNE: No. Heavens, no. I’m Canadian. I worked with Mr. Garrison in New York. MRS. DODD: Not married? ANNE: I have a child and an invalid officer to support, if you know of any jobs. MRS. DODD: Few jobs these days with everyone evacuating the city. We’re on tender hooks for this horror to end. ANNE: I’m strong, from so much physical work at the front, and I’m prepared to do any manual labor, even here at the hotel. MRS. DODD: Well, perha-- MR. DODD: The only opportunity for women these days is volunteer work and such, at the Red Cross. ANNE: Thank you. MRS. DODD: We hope you’ll be comfortable. RED CROSS OFFICIAL: I can’t promise anything, madam. Mr. Wright here’s on the earliest shipment of vets back to Canada in two months. ANNE: Nothing sooner? RED CROSS OFFICIAL: Only if you’re willing to pay. FRED: She says the children are well. Not a word about herself. “How’s Anne?” Doesn’t ask about me. ANNE: Oh, Fred. Let me help, Fred. The last thing she told me was how she prayed you two would have another chance. She loves you, Fred. FRED: It’s hard being cooped up in here with you typing like a fiend. ANNE: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was bothering you. I’m just trying to get these notes from the front typed up while they’re still fresh in my mind. There. FRED: All these months I wished I’d have had it in me to say goodbye to them. Maybe I should go out and get some air. Thank you. It’ll probably do us both some good. ANNE: All right. Everything’s going to be fine, Fred. I’ll get you home. You’ll see your loved ones soon. FRED: If they can bare the sight of me. EMBASSY CLERK: Where is this Mr. Garrison posted? ANNE: He’s connected to a General Pershing, that’s all I know. We last saw each other at Bar-le-duc. EMBASSY CLERK: Well, General Pershing is involved right now in a setting up a telephone network across France. Officer Garrison could be anywhere. ANNE: If I were to send a cable to the General? EMBASSY CLERK: Well, I can only try. ANNE: Baby arrived safely in London. Not everything worked out. Contact as soon as possible. Awaiting instructions. EMBASSY CLERK: All right, we’ll see what we can do. ANNE: What’s going on? What’s going on? [bombing outside] Fred, I think they’re bombing the city. MRS. DODD: The zeps are coming. Everyone down to the basement. Down to the basement, please. All the way down to the basement, please. Everything’s under control. Everyone down to the basement, please. Down to the basement. That’s it ma’am. Down to the basement. All the way down. Thank you, sir. BRIAN FINDLAY: I hate this stupid old war. When can I go back to sleep? MRS. FINDLAY: Soon, soon. MRS. DODD: [to Anne] You’ll remind him someday that he learned to toddle while London burned. Hawonky little thing. FRED: Let me out of here! ANNE: Fred, Fred. You’re all right. You’re all right. You’re safe down here. You’re safe. Come on. MR. DODD: Not to worry, everybody. It’s good excuse to clear out this load of old rubbish. BRIAN FINDLAY: Can I hold him, madam? ANNE: All right. MRS. FINDLAY: You’re baby’s not ill, I hope. ANNE: No, no. He’s quite fine now, but he’s got a little cough. MRS. FINDLAY: I only ask because my husband, he nearly died at the front of the pneumonia. He’s home on leave soon. All we can think about is getting back to his people in Canada. ANNE: Where in Canada? MRS. FINDLAY: Halifax. ANNE: No, I taught for five years in Halifax. We’re from Prince Edward Island, just off the coast of Nova Scotia. BRIAN FINDLAY: My dad used to sing to us about Canada. [sings] So farewell to Nova Scotia, you sea-bound coast. Let your mountains dark and dreary be. For when I’m far away on the briny ocean tossed, will you ever give a sigh and a wish for me… ANNE: [reading a letter] “Dear Mrs. Blythe. We regret to inform you that the whereabouts of your husband, Captain Gilbert Blythe, are currently unknown. We have reason to believe that the enemy may have captured Mr. Blythe.” [to clerk] What does this mean? No one knows if he’s dead. EMBASSY CLERK: When a prisoner of war’s tags return to the Red Cross, the prisoner may have been moved to another camp or simply disappeared. ANNE: Someone must know where he went. He’s the head of his division. EMBASSY CLERK: I’m very sorry, madam. ANNE: Please, he didn’t just cease to exist. EMBASSY CLERK: Under the circumstances, I don’t believe they can claim the individual is missing in action. Dr. Blythe, like many other medical personnel, may have been captured and forced to work for the enemy. He may have come in contact with certain information that made him a target. We just don’t know. ANNE: What in heaven’s name? FRED: Findlays asked us downstairs for tea. I come back and find this. ANNE: Where’s Dominic? FRED: With the Findlays. What’s going on, Anne? ANNE: I don’t know. FRED: How much do you really know about Jack Garrison? Where is he? ANNE: I don’t know. FRED: I spoke to the Dodds. They don’t seem really concerned. Someone must be watching us. Diana hasn’t been able to arrange passage. ANNE: Fred! FRED: I need to get home now. ANNE: I’m doing my best. Just be grateful you’re as safe as you are. MRS. DODD: Well, it’s possible it may have been a thief, Mrs. Blythe. But then again, nothing was stolen. ANNE: Has this ever happened before? MR. DODD: No, the room’s been sealed for months, at Mr. Garrison’s request. MRS. DODD: Are you sure it couldn’t have been Mr. Wright? You have to admit he’s acting awfully erratically. ANNE: Thank you for looking after Dominic for me. MRS. FINDLAY: It’s all right. We had a lovely afternoon together. ANNE: I received some news today about my husband. I found out he was a P.O.W. in Germany. MRS. FINDLAY: What do you mean, “was”? ANNE: No one seems to know what’s happened to him. MRS. FINDLAY: I’m so sorry. ANNE: But I keep thinking, if he was really dead, surely I would know that in my heart. I would feel a terrible emptiness. You can understand that, can’t you Mrs. Findlay? MRS. FINDLAY: Yes, I know, Anne. You mustn’t give it thought. ANNE: [someone grabs Anne] What? Let go of me! [screams] JACK: Shh! Shh! It’s me. It’s Jack. It’s Jack. Don’t be afraid. Are you okay? Are you okay? ANNE: What are you trying to do, scare me half to death? JACK: I have been waiting and waiting. This is the only safe place for us to talk. ANNE: Where have you been? JACK: I’m sorry I stayed there so long. Colette and I need to meet so I can make arrangements for the… What? ANNE: Colette is dead, Jack. There was a… JACK: The boy? ANNE: He’s safe. I tried to contact you. JACK: Where is he? ANNE: He’s in the apartment. JACK: I can’t let anyone know I’m here. Help me. Get me into the apartment? ANNE: Yes. ANNE: Someone broke into the apartment. JACK: Did you see anyone? ANNE: No. Why can’t you let anyone know you’re here? JACK: Who’s watching Dominic? ANNE: I left him with a friend. JACK: Let’s hope it’s still here. ANNE: Can’t you tell me what you’re up to? JACK: I’m involved in something very important. I need to make sure you and Dominic are safe. I know I can trust you implicitly, Anne. ANNE: I want to send him back to Canada. JACK: No, no. Don’t do that. My plans have changed now. [looking at the picture of him and Colette] Colette and I weren’t married, but Dominic, he’s my flesh and blood. It was never my intention to get involved with Colette, but I did. And I loved her. ANNE: You better hurry. JACK: [sighs] I should never have encouraged them to come with me. ANNE: No, you shouldn’t have. Nor put me in the middle of this. JACK: Look. I’m involved in American government underground efforts to end the war. I’m being followed. I need you to stay put until I can contact you with arrangements for Dominic. ANNE: I can’t stay here indefinitely. JACK: It won’t be for that long. Anne, you can’t tell anyone. You can’t tell the neighbors; you can’t tell any of the guests in the hotel. Tell no one, no one, that I’ve been here. ANNE: Where will you go? JACK: I got your last cable through Pershing. Leave any messages for me at the embassy. I’ve got to get out of here. Did you ever find your husband? ANNE: His field unit was captured at Neufchateau. I plan to go back for him. JACK: You never give up, do you? ANNE: No. JACK: Promise to take care of my boy if anything happens to me. ANNE: What’s going to happen to you Jack? JACK: Nothing. Nothing for the moment. Just promise me. ANNE: I promise. [they hug] JACK: Thank you. MRS. FINDLAY: Come and join us, Anne. You need a solid breakfast before you go on a long day’s job hunt. ANNE: I’ll be fine. You’ve been more than generous. MRS. FINDLAY: I insist. Fade away to nothing, you will. ANNE: I’m actually very hungry, thank you. I’ll just grab a sweater for Dominic. FRED: Can I order for you? ANNE: Thank you, Fred. I’m beginning to feel like we’re a married couple. [they laugh] FRED: [to Dominic] Let’s get some food. FERGUS KEEGAN: Mrs. Blythe? My name is Fergus Keegan. I’m editor-in-chief of the London Illustrated Dispatch. I was hoping to introduce myself. Jack Garrison used to work for us and I was wondering if you’d had any contact with him. ANNE: No, I’m afraid not. FERGUS KEEGAN: Are you waiting here to meet him for some reason? ANNE: [fumbles over words] No, I knew Jack in New York and he’s just lent my friend and me his apartment while we’re here in London. FERGUS KEEGAN: Forgive me. Jack used to feed us reports concerning events at the front and he’s sorely missed. We were very successful at selling his stories to the American papers, and I was hoping that he would be returning to London. ANNE: I’m afraid I can’t help you. Excuse me, but how do you know me? FERGUS KEEGAN: Oh, the manager of the hotel mentioned that were staying in Jack’s apartment and that you were looking for work, and I may be of some assistance there. You are a writer? ANNE: Yes, I am. I’m not planning on being in London for much longer, but a job would be very much appreciated. FERGUS KEEGAN: Yes, well, I’d be only too happy to meet you in my office, if you’re interested, and we can discuss any positions that might be available at the newspaper. Here. My card. ANNE: Well, thank you very much. FERGUS KEEGAN: And you will keep us informed if you receive any more information concerning Jack. We’d be most obliged. Good day. ANNE: Good day. [he leaves] MR. DODD: Uh, did Mr. Keegan have anything for you, Mrs. Blythe? ANNE: Yes, he gave me his card. MRS. DODD: Oh, well, he’s a good man, Mrs. Blythe. Mr. Garrison always spoke so highly of him. Maybe he could help you locate your husband. They have wire services there and so many fancy new methods of communication. ANNE: Well, thank you for mentioning I was in need of a job. How do you know him? MR. DODD: So many journalists have resided in here over the years. It’s a close little circle. ANNE: Thank you, again. ANNE: Hello. Mr. Fergus Keegan, please. Thank you. FERGUS KEEGAN: Mrs. Blythe, I am so glad that you called. Please. ANNE: I decided to take you up on your offer. But, as I mentioned, I‘ll only be staying in London for a little while longer before I return to the front. FERGUS KEEGAN: Well, we do have a temporary post that requires prompt replacement. The researcher to our society columnist, Maud Montrose, has left her position. ANNE: It sounds intriguing. MAUD MONTROSE: [in background, outside office] Oh, don’t be so foolish. Get back to work! ANNE: Would it be possible for me to utilize any- FERGUS KEEGAN: Excuse me [he shuts the door] The wages here are one pound, six shillings a week. ANNE: That should be fine. As I was saying, I would like to avail myself of the information bureau and the wire service, if it’s not an imposition, sir. I’d happily pay out of my own wages. FERGUS KEEGAN: My secretary will be glad to introduce you to any of the journalists or war correspondents that come in and out of our wire service bureau. And after all, one good turn always deserves another. MAUD MONTROSE: [from outside] Fergus! [she opens the door] You completely forgot to specify typing speed. FERGUS KEEGAN: The ad is exactly as you requested, my dear. Maud Montrose, meet Mrs. Anne Blythe. ANNE: Miss Montrose. My background is mostly editorial. Winfield Publishing House in New York. I can type fifty words a minute. FERGUS KEEGAN: Well, we have an agreement. Please. You’ll be working as her assistant, but in reality you will be working for me. Frankly, Mrs. Blythe, we need someone to keep an eye on Maudy. She has a large clientele of socialites, may of whom try to express their own views in her column. Sometimes her approach to politics is a tad, um, misguided. Warning me ahead of time of any sensitive matters that might pop up in her column would save us all a great deal of trouble. FERGUS KEEGAN: Well, we have an agreement. MAUD MONTROSE: FERGUS KEEGAN: Now, now. Don’t worry, Mrs. Blythe. She won’t bite. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. MAUD MONTROSE: Well, the job is a temporary one, Anne Blythe, until I can move faster on my feet. Now, let me be frank, darling. My column is the most widely read in this boring paper. ANNE: I’ll do my best. Any writing to do, I’ll be happy to oblige. MAUD MONTROSE: My one mundane chore here is a sleepy little column called Helpful Hints for House and Home, buried in the classified. See what kind of ideas you can dredge up for next week. Your desk is over there. MAUD MONTROSE: I told you I wanted someone who met my criteria. Oh, I see. You just have to hire this one, don’t you, Fergus? FERGUS KEEGAN: Why don’t you have her cover the Harrington Benefit? Perhaps she’ll do a world of good. MAUD MONTROSE: What is Helpful Hints doing on the cover of this rag? FERGUS KEEGAN: Selling papers. Women want to read stories about other women’s contributions to the war effort. MAUD MONTROSE: Of course they do. It was my idea. FERGUS KEEGAN: Mrs. Blythe has captured the enthusiasm of legions of women who are starting to protest the war. Look at this. [reading] “Sacrifice and loss are the burden of women on the home front. Like the officer who struggles throughout the trenches, there is never a moment of release for the loved ones who wait days and weeks in fear of the report of their impending loss.” When could you ever write with such empathy? ANNE: Could the French embassy go back to the Red Cross for more information? JOURNALIST 1: I have a good contact that could at least verify the source of your letter. ANNE: [seeing Maud] I’m sorry. We were to meet at 2:00. MAUD MONTROSE: It would be delightful if you could put the same intensity into my needs. MAUD MONTROSE: Where are today’s proofs? Photos? The guest list? Published menu? ANNE: It looks delicious. MAUD MONTROSE: The advanced “at home” listing? Ah, you’ve forgotten the catering who’s who list-- [Anne gives her the list] --that was to accompany this. And you’ve had time to do your little Helpful Hints. Who’s helping who this week? ANNE: You mean my report on British women assisting at the front. MAUD MONTROSE: Well, you’re report, yes. Penned by Jack Garrison. ANNE: I beg your pardon? MAUD MONTROSE: You do know Jack Garrison, don’t you? Well, I introduced Jack to Keegan, darling. ANNE: I’m sorry about my column ending up on the front page, if that’s what’s upsetting you. MAUD MONTROSE: A word of advice: whatever information Jack is feeding you for that sleepy little column should be burned. ANNE: What information would Jack be feeding me? I haven’t heard from him in weeks. MAUD MONTROSE: You let Jack know that Keegan has been selling his secret codes to foreign hands for months. ANNE: I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. Excuse me. ANNE: She thinks you put my column on the front page so Jack can feed secret codes and information through me. FERGUS KEEGAN: It all seems rather preposterous. Do you think he’s a spy? ANNE: I wouldn’t know. FERGUS KEEGAN: Maud has a rather overwrought imagination. She’s typically American in that way. She might say anything to pretend that she was in Jack’s circle. It’s very sad. She should stick to what she does best. ANNE: She has such a strong following. FERGUS KEEGAN: Hmm. But for some people, the other man’s grass is always greener. Thank you so much for coming to see me. Oh, Mrs. Blythe. Have you ever considered public speaking? I have to attend a local fundraiser for the Salvation Army and your column has attracted so much attention that I’m sure that they’d rather hear you than me. ANNE: I’d be honored, Mr. Keegan. FERGUS KEEGAN: Oh, by the way, how is Jack’s little boy? I should think Jack must be most anxious to see him. ANNE: He’s doing very well, thank you. MRS. DODD: Oh, Mrs. Blythe, there’s a phone call for you. You can take it on the extension. Go ahead. ANNE: Jack? Where are you? No, I can’t hear you. [pause] I’ll meet you in Paris, then. [pause] No. No, I don’t want to keep him here; I want to send him back to Canada. It’s absolutely the safest. [pause] It won’t be long before I can afford the tickets. I’m working. For Fergus Keegan at the Dispatch. [pause] Fergus Keegan. [pause] In the lobby, why? [click] Hello? FRED: I’ll never forget this time, Anne. It’s beginning to feel like he belongs to both of us. ANNE: I heard from Jack Garrison tonight. He wants me to stay here until he can make arrangements to bring Dominic to France. FRED: Don’t be insane. The Findlays have arranged passage for all of us. ANNE: I know. But I can’t leave until I know what’s happened to Gil. FRED: You never saw what I did. Next time you may not get out. Gil wouldn’t want you to go back and neither do I. Look, why don’t you sleep in the bed tonight, hmm? You’ve got us this far. I owe my life to you. But I think it’s time we all go home. ANNE: We’re a thrown together family, Fred. Maybe this is it. Maybe you two are all the family I’ll ever know. But I’m going back to try and find Gil, if I can. FERGUS KEEGAN: Anne Blythe has skyrocketed to prominence at our newspaper for her thought-provoking and heartfelt attempt to reach out to the female population and getting to feel something about this war. Mrs. Anne Blythe. ANNE: Good afternoon. I know you all have loved ones at the front, fulfilling their duties. My husband, too, believed he had a duty, and that makes him just like your husbands, brothers, sons. They all believed that even if they sacrificed lives, it wouldn’t be in vain. They could die knowing they had helped end this terrible war. I have been to the front, and there is little to be proud of now. There’s no glory; only horror, loss, and devastation. Until the women of the British Empire stand up and openly acknowledge the suffering, this war may never end. I say enough is enough. Our duty is to bring our men home. JOURNALIST 1: You caused quite a stir. ANNE: I think Mr. Keegan is of the school that any publicity is good publicity. JOURNALIST 2: A group smashed up this office when Keegan allowed a pro-German piece on the sinking of the Lusitania. I should use the side door regularly if I were you. ANNE: Thanks for the information about the German camps. JOURNALIST 2: British medical personnel are often kept in isolation. Big shortage of doctors. Perhaps the same thing happened to your husband. ANNE: Thank you. Let’s see. ANNE: Missing something, Miss Montrose? MAUD MONTROSE: I warned you that this position was only temporary, Mrs. Blythe. I no longer require your assistance. Mr. Keegan can employ you, if you decide to stay. ANNE: I’ll finish my assignment this afternoon, and clean out my desk. MAUD MONTROSE: Mrs. Blythe, there are things going on outside that we have no control over. Don’t play into Keegan’s hands. I only want to help Jack. ANNE: What does this have to do with Jack? MAUD MONTROSE: Oh, come now! He’s been springing prisoners, gathering information, before the Yanks even stepped into France. He truly believes that the Americans can end the war, and so do I. Jack could expose Keegan as a traitor, but Jack doesn’t want to tip his hand just yet. ANNE: Who wrote this? MAUD MONTROSE: Jack did. I managed to alert him. Jack’s changed the codes and he’s feeding his information to American papers through the Gazette. FERGUS KEEGAN: Anne, I have important news. Please come in. ANNE: Yes, Mr. Keegan. FERGUS KEEGAN: Sit down. Maud has left the Dispatch. Would you ever consider taking over her column? ANNE: She told me she didn’t need me anymore. She never mentioned anything about quitting. FERGUS KEEGAN: Well, that’s Maud, always trying to pretend that she has the last word. We had ten years together. It was time. ANNE: I very much appreciate the opportunity you propose, but I’ve made up my mind today that I’m returning to Canada with my friends. FERGUS KEEGAN: You’re not giving up on your husband, surely. I hear the boys in the office are most helpful. ANNE: No, I’m not giving up. But I figure if all the rumors are true that the war will end soon, maybe he’ll be released. FERGUS KEEGAN: And what about Jack’s whereabouts? I noticed he had a piece in the Gazette about the armistice. ANNE: He never did contact me. Thank you again for the opportunity. I’ve learned a great deal here. FERGUS KEEGAN: Yes, I’m sure you have. Tell me, will you be taking Jack’s baby with you? ANNE: Yes, I think that would be safest. FERGUS KEEGAN: Hmm. Well, good luck, Mrs. Blythe. We will miss you. ANNE: Good bye. MAN: Thank you, ma’am. Good day. FRED: Anne! You’re finally here. MRS. FINDLAY: This is my husband, George. MR. FINDLAY: How do you do, Mrs. Blythe. ANNE: It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. MR. FINDLAY: My wife has spoken of your determination and courage. ANNE: Not today, I’m afraid. MRS. FINDLAY: He has everything secured to leave on Tuesday. Will you join us in the sitting room. ANNE: Yes, that would be lovely. I’ll just clean Dominic up, and I’ll be right down. [to Dominic] Hello. I’ve missed you today. ANNE: [to Dominic] You have something on your face. MAUD MONTROSE: [appearing at the door] I’ve spoken to Jack. We need to discuss travel arrangements for Dominic and for your husband. ANNE: Oh, Fred. This is Miss Montrose from the Dispatch. FRED: How do you do? The Findlays wanted to play a game of bridge. I came up to get the cards. Would you care to join us downstairs for a drink, Miss Maud? MAUD MONTROSE: I’m afraid that I can’t intrude, Mrs. Blythe. I’ll wait for you outside. ANNE: Fred, could you please take Dominic for a moment while I see Miss Montrose out. FRED: The Findlays are really hoping that you’ll join us.’ ANNE: Fred, I’ll only be a moment. ANNE: What do you mean, make travel arrangements for my husband? Where is he? MAUD MONTROSE: I haven’t much time. We can speak over here. ANNE: Why did you leave the paper? MAUD MONTROSE: I want to get home to the U.S. I’ve had enough of London society. ANNE: Where is my husband? MAUD MONTROSE: Jack has contacted me and he’s explained everything. He thinks he’s found a connection in Germany. JACK’S VOICE: [telegram:] Maud is a pal. Bring Dominic to me. I can get you to your husband. ANNE: You could be making this up. MAUD MONTROSE: You can’t take that chance. ANNE: Who are you really? MAUD MONTROSE: I’m one of a group of loyal Americans, committed to bringing about peace. ANNE: I don’t understand. What do you want from me? MAUD MONTROSE: Our efforts require your help. The Garrisons own a chateau in Belgium. Kit Garrison, Jack’s aunt, runs a local hospice and orphanage there. Now, Jack thinks that the war is just about to end. The child will be perfectly safe there and I will obtain the proper papers for you to travel through to Liege. Kit Garrison has certain valuables that have to be brought across, but she’s too well known with the enemy authorities. Now, these valuables can be used to buy medical supplies on the black market and also assist Jack in bribing certain important people behind the lines. Now, if you return with the valuables, they can be safely carried in. ANNE: If? MAUD MONTROSE: Once you’re there, Jack’s connections will help you find your husband. None of us are safe right now. ANNE: I know that. MAUD MONTROSE: Well, the train leaves at noon tomorrow for Portsmouth. ANNE: Tomorrow? MAUD MONTROSE: You do want to return the boy, don’t you? ANNE: Yes, of course I do. What? Why do you think I wouldn’t? MAUD MONTROSE: Well, when you first came to my office, I didn’t know what you were up to. You’re a good little poker player. It’s been a lovely visit. FRED: You seem like you’re running away. ANNE: I’m going back to France. There’s a chance I can find Gil. FRED: What’s wrong, Anne? ANNE: Don’t tell the Dodds about my leaving. Promise me, Fred. FRED: I promise. Why are you being so elusive? What am I going to tell the Findlays? They bought our tickets. ANNE: Driver. MRS. FINDLAY: Anne, if you’re in some kind of trouble, let us help. ANNE: It’s nothing; don’t worry. Thank you for being so good to us. I’ll never forget you. Guard him with your life, Fred. FRED: Anne, you’re talking like we’ll never see you again. ANNE: You’ll see me in a couple of weeks. FRED: Anne, you can’t run off like this. ANNE: Mrs. Findlay, please take the baby. I don’t want him with me, Fred. FRED: Waterloo Station, driver. FRED: Mr. Garrison is involved in this, isn’t he? You have no idea the kind of danger you could be walking into. ANNE: Please, Fred. Say goodbye and go. GO! MAUD MONTROSE: Mrs. Blythe! Mrs. Blythe. I came to say goodbye. We must be brief; Keegan may have followed me. [Fred arrives] I’m sorry we’re unable to travel together. I’m on my way to New York. ANNE: Well, thank you so much for seeing me off. Officer Wright came to say goodbye, too. MAUD MONTROSE: I’ve taken the liberty of switching your tickets to first class, thinking you might find it more comfortable to travel with the child. I’m so glad that you haven’t changed your mind. ANNE: No, I haven’t. But Officer Wright is taking Dominic back to Canada. MAUD MONTROSE: Make sure you check your tickets before boarding. And please give my regards to Mr. Keegan if you two should meet. ANNE: I will. FRED: What was that about? What’s going on? ANNE: Oh, come. Fred, I have no time. Please, go before there’s any trouble. And don’t ever let him out of your sight. Promise me. FRED: What kind of trouble? MAUD’S VOICE: [note:] Here’s a locker key for Portsmouth. Open it once you arrive. Jack could expose Keegan as a traitor to British intelligence, but he doesn’t want to tip his hand. Don’t DARE send Dominic to Canada. Keegan will stop at nothing to protect himself, even if it means taking Jack’s child. [Anne runs back] MAN: Watch it, love. ANNE: Excuse me. Excuse me, please. Fred, I have to take him. FRED: Anne what are you doing? ANNE: No, I have to take him with me. FRED: Anne, you’re not thinking clearly. ANNE: Fred, let him go. I can’t explain. FRED: Anne. ANNE: Please forgive me. FRED: What? Anne! ANNE: I’m going to miss my train, please. FRED: Anne, don’t do this. OFFICER: Hold on, son. Hold on. Stand back. Passengers only. FRED: Anne! Anne! ANNE: Excuse me. [she gets on the train] WOMAN: Shall I hold your little boy? ANNE: No, thank you. OFFICER: [knocks on door] Portsmouth. Portsmouth. NEWSBOY: Newspaper here! Get your newspaper! Newspaper! Come and get it! Newspaper, here! Come and get it! WOMAN: Do you need a hand, madam? ANNE: No. JACK’S VOICE: [note:] Don’t take a chance on wearing this nun’s habit yet. Wait until you’re off the boat in France. Tickets and directions to the Manoir de Bonne Esperance in Belgium are enclosed. I’m trusting you to get my boy back.
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